Sunday, October 14, 2012

Edward Norton's Beards - The Effect of Changes in Facial Hair Styles

We have witnessed the great change in style through The Illusionist movie.Edward Norton styled different beards than his always used facial hair styles.

We are sharing this different and interesting difference.

A cross sections of the film

All Popular Facial Hair Styles

There are popular facial hair styles.Which style are you using?I hope there is a pattern you'll love.Choose you like and please do not hesitate to try
Click on the picture for to see various facial hair styles.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Different Facial Hair Styles by Al Pacino

Al pacino is indispensable moviestar in mafia and heavy films.He caught the success using to his foursquare.However, He used  various facial hair styles in his movie.We are sharing to his photo once he used the diverse  facial hair styles

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Turkish Famous Actor Facial Hair Styles

Kenan İmirzalıoğlu is famous actor in Turkey.He usually plays in the action movies.He is very handsome with his facial hair styles and he well-liked by Turkish girls.

 Very hard man.This makes his a mysterious.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The best views with Similar Facial Hair Styles

Ryan Gosling continuously rising in the way of film industry.Young girls screams for him.Because he is different.One of the reasons that, he found one of  the most compatible  facial hair styles with him.He applied similar facial hair  in parallel ways.

Dont forget the go gym

White shirt with sparse beards

Daniel Craig and his Beards

Esquire Magazine 'Best Dressed' was elected (2006).

The guy with the the majority of significant face actually, rocks a pretty significant facial hair styles also. There is not an inch that will go discovered. We would likely anticipate absolutely nothing less via James bond.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Huge Facial Hair Styles of Shia LaBeouf

'Transformers' movie star Shia LaBeouf is practically unrecognizable because he grabs a espresso in Los Angeles sporting a one of the huge facial hair styles as well as long hair tied rear straight into a ponytail.